Items where Subject is "System And Technology Innovation"
- Subject Areas (6)
- Multi, Inter, Transdisciplinary Science (6)
- System And Technology Innovation (6)
- Multi, Inter, Transdisciplinary Science (6)
Alifadillah, Alifadillah and Supriatna, Haris (2023) Web-Based Coffee Inventory Application: Case Study on One Of The Coffee Shop In Sukabumi. Majalah Bisnis & IPTEK, 16 (2). pp. 309-317. ISSN 2502-1559
Aprilia, Sani and Wahyudi, Heri (2023) Article 23 Income Tax Calculation System for Expedition Services: Study at one of the National Express Delivery and Logistics Service Companies in Bandung City. Acman: Accounting and Management Journal, 3 (2). pp. 169-178. ISSN 2775-6866
Duhari, Muhammad Ajid and Wahyudi, Heri and Nugroho, Eko Arief (2022) Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pengadaan Suku Cadang Kereta Api Berbasis Web. Acman: Accounting and Management Journal, 2 (2). pp. 207-215. ISSN 2775-6866
Khaerunnisa, Alifia and Rosadi, Dadi and Supriatna, Haris and Latif, Dadang (2024) Fullstack Implementation Using Angular Framework and Springboot in the Participant Admission Information System New Education (PPDB) (RA DAARUN Case Study - NISAA). Majalah Bisnis & IPTEK, 17 (1). pp. 97-105. ISSN 2502-1559
Noerrohmah, Syifa and Amijaya, Hasanah Tisna and Riswaya, Asep Ririh and Retnowaty, Agung Tri (2024) Rural And Urban Land And Building Tax Calculation Application (PBB-P2): Case Study Of Cangkuang Wetan Village. Acman: Accounting and Management Journal, 4 (1). pp. 39-47. ISSN 2775-6866
Saadah, Asri Wasiatun and Ibrahim, Rohmat Nur and Budiman, Dheni Apriantsani (2023) Design of Web-Based E-Perpus Information System: Study at One MTS School in Cianjur. Jurnal Computech & Bisnis (e-Journal), 17 (1). pp. 50-58. ISSN 2442-4943